
葉雅茹 老師 基本資料

歷年獲獎紀錄_葉雅茹 老師


學術期刊論文 (Journal Papers)

  1.  Ya-Ju Yeh. 2021/7. “A Transparent Narrator? The Multi-effects of Sensible Deduction in Sarah Waters’ The Little Stranger” Journal of National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology 3 (July, 2021): 73-85. 
  2. 葉雅茹〈倫敦味覺生活:吳爾芙與理察森小說中的飲食經驗與食物地景〉。 《興大人文學報》66期(2021)145-164頁。
  3.  Ya-Ju Yeh. 2019/9. “Urban Spectacle and Spectatorship in Edgar Allan Poe’s ‘The Man of the Crowd’.” Journal of Literature and Art Studies 9.9 (2019): 923-8. 
  4. Ya-Ju Yeh. 2018/6. “The Lost and the Hidden: Class Self-presentation and Personal Property in Wilkie Collins’s The Moonstone.” Fiction and Drama 27.2 (Jun 2018): 31-52. 
  5. Ya-Ju Yeh. 2016/9. “Travel and Desert Landscape in The Sheltering Sky.” Linguistics and Literature Studies 4.5 (Sep 2016): 336-40.
  6. Ya-Ju Yeh. 2016/4. “After the First Click: Typewriters and Tying Literacy in the United States, 1870s-1930s.” International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 6.4 (Apr 2016): 81-90. (NSC 102-2420-H-156-001-MY3研究成果)


 國內外學術會議論文 (Conference Papers)

  1.  Ya-Ju Yeh. 2018/9. “Sensible Deductions? Fallacy of Reason in Sarah Waters’ The Little Stranger.” ICSSH 2018, Kobe, Japan.
  2.  Ya-Ju Yeh. 2015/9. “The Dual Materiality of Typewriters in Digital Culture.” JADH 2015, Kyoto University, Japan.
  3.  Ya-Ju Yeh. 2014/9. “Visitor Agency and Technological Literacy via Museum Collection: The Case of Peter Mitterhofer Museum.” JADH 2014, University of Tsukuba, Japan.
  4.  Ya-Ju Yeh. 2011/2. “Telling Eyes?: The Uncanny Spectatorship in ‘The Man of the Crowd’.” 36th Congress of AULLA—Storytelling in Literature, Language and Culture. Auckland University, Auckland. 

