
蘇一菁 老師 基本資料




  1. Su, Y. (2023, June 3). "I spent a lot of time reading!": EFL college students, 
  2. adolescent literature,and transmediation. 2023 The Aletheia University Conference on Foreign Language Teaching and Cross-Cultural Studies, New Taipei City, Taiwan.
  3. 蘇一菁 (2022年)。經驗學習理論在英語教學與兒童文學:故事與繪本課程的
  4. 教學應用。2022真理大學外國語文教學與跨文化研究學術研討會,新北市,台灣。
  5. 蘇一菁 (2021年6月5日)。議題導向跨領域學習:以一英美語文學系課程為
  6. 例。2021真理大學外國語文教學與跨文化研究學術研討會,新北市,台灣。
  7. 蘇一菁 (2020年6月6日)。培育大學生多元敘事力的兒童與青少年文學課程
  8. 設計。2020真理大學外國語文教學與跨文化研究學術研討會,新北市,台灣。
  9. Su, Y. (2019, May 25). Using Children's Literature as a Catalyst in EFL College 
  10. English Reading Courses. 2019 The Aletheia University Conference on Foreign Language Teaching and Cross-Cultural Studies, New Taipei City, Taiwan.
  11. Su, Y. (2018). A symphony of poems and pictures: Hwa-Jen Ho's nonfiction 
  12. picturebooks about wild birds in Taiwan. Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature, 56(4), 84-87.
  13. 蘇一菁 (2018年5月26日)。台灣原創兒童圖畫書故事英譯探討。2018真理大
  14. 學外國語文教學與跨文化研究學術研討會,新北市,台灣。
  15. 蘇一菁 (2017年)。專業服務學習課程中反思活動和服務學習關聯的探討–以
  16. 英文系兒童英語教材教法課程為例. 2017真理大學外國語文教學與跨文化研究學術研討會,新北市,台灣。
  17. Su, Y .(2016, May 7). College Students’ Transmediation of The Miraculous Journey 
  18. of Edward Tulane. 2016 The Aletheia University Conference on Foreign Language Teaching and Cross-Cultural Studies, New Taipei City, Taiwan.
  19. Su, Y. & Wu, K. (2016). How literature circles support EFL college students' literary 
  20. and literacy learning in a children's and adolescent literature course. International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education, 7(3), 2874-2879. 
  21. 蘇一菁 (2015年5月15日)。大學生參與服務學習歷程中專業知識的學習與應
  22. 用。2015真理大學創校五十周年暨優質通識教育的未來展望研討會,新北市,台灣。
  23. Su, Y. (2014, November 22). A case study of how multiple semiotic systems relate to 
  24. non-traditional college students' literacy and literary learning. Linguistics, Literature and Arts, 72, 28-32.
  25. Su, Y. (2013, November 23). A case study of how non-traditional college students use 
  26. multiple semiotic systems to respond to children’s literature. 2016 The Aletheia University Conference on Foreign Language Teaching and Cross-Cultural Studies, New Taipei City, Taiwan.
  27. 蘇一菁 (2012年4月28日)。服務–學習融入專業課程之實踐—以英文系兒童
  28. 文學課程為例. 2012年第六屆外國語文教學與跨文化研究國際學術研討會,新北市,台灣。
  29. Su, Y. (2011, April 30). Literature and Children’s Emotional Development: How M. 
  30. B. Goffstein’s Books Support the Emotional Growth in Young Children. 2011 The Aletheia University Conference on Foreign Language Teaching and Cross-Cultural Studies, New Taipei City, Taiwan.
  31. Su, Y. (2010, May 22). Toward an Understanding of College Students' Aesthetic 
  32. Response to Children's Literature. 2010 The Aletheia University Conference on Foreign Language Teaching and Cross-Cultural Studies, New Taipei City, Taiwan.
  33. Su, Y. (2009, May 30). A Case Study of How a Kindergarten Teacher Incorporates 
  34. Multiple Semiotic Systems in Her Classroom Instruction.2009 The Aletheia University Conference on Foreign Language Teaching and Cross-Cultural Studies, New Taipei City, Taiwan.

